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Safety for Life is in the business of keeping your employees safe and your business compliant with legislation. We do this by developing risk management systems so that employees follow procedures and practices to limit the chances of workplace injuries and accidents. We invite you to read more about risk management to get a better idea of what it involves.

If you already have a plan in place, we can perform a workplace audit to assess the strengths and weaknesses of your system. The word audit can create anxiety because it feels like somebody is hunting for things you are doing wrong. We don’t want you to feel apprehensive about a health and safety audit because we are there to help your company. Keep in mind that we perform internal checks which means that all the findings are used to benefit your company by increasing the strength of your risk management program. A workplace audit is a proactive measure we provide to ensure you are ISO and OHS compliant, and your employees are safe and productive.

Workplace audits are cost effective because they are designed to reduce lost-time injuries, and your employees work at peak performance. They also evaluate weaknesses so they can be fixed before a government audit, or an accident happens. Accidents cost your business through lost employee time and potential litigation while government audits cost you in fines. Contact Safety for Life, and we can discuss a risk management plan or review to ensure best practices at your business.